5 Steps to Bring Workspace Fitness into Your Office

5 Steps to Bring Workspace Fitness into Your Office

5 Steps to Bring Workspace Fitness into Your Office

October 3rd, 2018

Working at a desk is a common practice in most countries. But sitting all-day from 9 to 5 can be a burden on your health. Without enough movement, your heart has to work much harder when pumping blood to your lower body. This leads to a greater risk of heart disease, cancer, and many more issues down the line. Sound like fun? We didn’t think so.

Our Workspace Fitness® solution can help reduce any discomfort you may have at your office. You can sit, stand, and move without interfering with your job. Here are 5 steps to incorporating workspace fitness into your office.

1: Identify the Problem(s) with Your Current Workstation

Take some time to review your current workstation. What aspects of it are interfering with your work? Are these issues causing an inconvenience to reach your fullest potential?

Create a list for yourself and separate each item into distinct categories. For example, you might be having issues related to pain, ergonomics, stress, your chair, and so on. Any direct or indirect problems that your desk is creating should be written down. A piece of paper or sticky note should be good. Additionally, write down all the benefits you would gain from a sit and stand desk to help with Step 3!

2: Talk to Your Manager About an Upgrade

If you work at a home office, move on to step 3. You are your own boss when it comes to your workstation! For those who don’t have the luxury of working from home, this step is very important.

Convincing your manager that you need a new desk could be an easy or challenging feat. In the case that “Do I have your permission to upgrade my desk” works? Fantastic!

But if your manager is reluctant to give you approval, it’s time for plan B. Remember that list you made? Use all the pain points as well as the benefits from that list to support your case. That way, you can respond to each aspect he/she disagrees with.

Another alternative to win over your boss’s approval is to get a doctor’s note. This will show that you need help to work more productively at the office.

3: Find a Desk That’s Right for You

Now that you (hopefully) have permission, let’s look at some essential points to consider. The following are specs and features you should acknowledge before making the investment:

  • Dimensions (length, width, height)
  • Colour (tabletop, frame)
  • Weight capacity
  • Cable management
  • Adjustable height buttons
  • Price

4: Paying for Your Desk

There are a few ways to pay for a sit and stand desk. If you work from home, you will definitely have to pay for it. Depending on your country, you can buy a sit and stand desk and write it off as a tax-deductible expense. This works great for entrepreneurs and managers who plan on purchasing several desks for their business.

If you live in the United States, you’re in luck! An HSA (Health Savings Account) or FSA (Flexible Spending Account) can qualify you for reimbursement when buying a sit and stand desk.

Does your employer need a Letter of Medical Necessity from you? Not a problem! Here’s a sample form you can use as a reference.

5: Standing at Your Desk

So you now have a sit and stand desk, awesome! After unboxing and building the desk, give it a test run. Make sure everything is working as intended before you swap out your old desk. We recommend a slow and steady transition when standing at the office. Start off with 30 minutes of standing and see how that feels. Too difficult? Bump it down to 15 minutes. Too easy? Add 10 or 15 more minutes to your timer. Once you grow enough endurance, keep adding a few minutes every few days. Standing for 1 hour is a good goal to strive for. We hope these steps helped you get a new desk as well as a healthy work routine established. Sit, stand, and move your way to success!

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