Why Reading Reviews Is Important When Buying

Why Reading Reviews Is Important When Buying

Why Reading Reviews Is Important When Buying

February 19th, 2021

When buying products - especially online - one of the most important things you have to do is read the product reviews. You can glean a lot from other customers’ experiences, such as: how well it’s constructed, how useful other customers find it in their lives, and if it’s worth the price of buying.

Ergonomyx understands the importance of customer feedback. The Ergonomyx CEO, Fabian de la Fuente, has this to say:

“Ergonomyx is a customer-centric company. We innovate based on the customer’s needs. This philosophy is demonstrated in all the steps of the product research, design, development, manufacturing, marketing, and post sales. Key features of our products were designed based on our customers’ input. We’re in the business to serve the needs and desires of our customers.”

That’s why we’ve looked at all the complaints people commonly have about under-desk pedallers or desk-bikes. We’ve taken steps to resolve them in our Smart Under-the-Desk Bike.
Here are some of the common problems people have with other under-desk pedallers, and how we’ve resolved them:

1. They're Too Noisy

People who buy under-desk pedaling devices often complain about the noise. That’s why we’ve made an effort to keep our Smart Under-the-Desk Bike as quiet and non-distracting as possible. It boasts a decibel level of under 57 DB (for reference, that’s quieter than a refrigerator running!). Many under-desk pedals become squeaky when you adjust the resistance level, but our Smart Under-the-Desk Bike is designed to be easy to assemble and fit together smoothly, so you’re unlikely to get squeakiness from it.

2. You push your chair away and/or push the pedaling device away

A common complaint with under-desk pedaling devices is that depending on how lightweight they are, or how hard you may be pedaling, you could end up pushing it, or yourself, away. That’s why we’ve opted for the format of a stationary bike that you can pedal at your desk. This way you’re never in danger of damaging your posture or alignment, or fighting to keep you and your pedals still.

3. You sweat too much for an office environment

It’s important to set your own pace for the level of exercise you feel comfortable doing during your workday! That’s why the Smart Under-the-Desk Bike has multiple levels of resistance that you can adjust at your choosing, so you never find yourself uncomfortable, while still being able to get your steps in.

4. Bike-desks involve sitting on a bike seat for your entire workday

The other conventional alternative to under-desk pedaling devices are bike-desks - stationary bikes that have desks attached to them. This solves some of the problems of under-desk pedalers, such as the device rolling away, or your knees hitting the underside of the desk. There’s a problem, though: you end up sitting on the bike all day, which can be uncomfortable! That’s why at Ergonomyx, we acknowledge that while working, the best practice is to sit, stand, and move. No one should be biking all day - they should be sitting and standing as well, to keep their bodies moving, aligned, and healthy! That’s why we’ve opted for an Under-the-Desk Bike that folds up to be stored when not in use.

5. Bike-desks have limited desk-space

The other problem with bike-desks is that, quite often, the attached desk is too small to accomplish everything you need. That’s why our Under-the-Desk Bikes have given you access to your regular desk, instead of opting for an attached desk. We know what working in an office is like - you need more space than a desk the width of a bicycle. That’s why we knew it was important to have something you could use at your desk, without compromising your desk.

Those are the basics, but how else do we compare to the competitors - even competitors who might’ve covered these basic disadvantages?

There are a few products out there that will track your distance pedalled or your calories burned. Not only do we have those features once you connect our Under-the-Desk Bike to our Ergonomyx app, but you can also compete against your friends and colleagues, and try to beat records on leaderboards. It’s been proven to improve your productivity when you’re able to gamify!

We’re also dedicated to sustainability in our products. For that reason, our Smart Under-the-Desk Bike requires no electricity to run. It’s entirely powered by your own pedaling. This makes it more sustainable than competing products.

But don’t just take our word for it - this is all about the importance of looking at reviews, to find out if a product is really as good as it looks. A review will tell you what problems and what advantages a product has that might not be in the posting. So, here are a few words from our previous customers.

Dave: Assembly was incredibly easy. Solid, sturdy product with good range of resistance provided. Nice and quiet - does not disrupt online meetings. Excellent quality. Would highly recommend it to others.

M. R.:: I am really pleased with my Ergonomyx desk bike. It is easy to move so that I can shift between standing and cycling. The mechanism makes very little noise so I can use it while I am on video conference meetings. And, I can cycle steady for long periods of time. I am tall and found the Ergonomyx team really helpful in sending me an extension package. I look forward to logging many kilometres this coming winter. This is a great idea and Ergonomyx has made a great product. Thank you.

J. N.:: I love the Smart Under-the-Desk Bike! In a world where many of us get far too little exercise, the bike is an amazing solution - particularly since I have been working from home since March, 2020 (due to the global, coronavirus pandemic). As a busy parent in a family of four who works full-time, combining an element of daily physical activity while working at my desk/computer is an incredible efficiency!

We also got the chance to interview one of our earliest customers about his experience with Ergonomyx. Check out what he has to say!

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